Anodic coatings can be clear (Class 1) and dyed or pigmented (Class 2). In Class 1, any natural coloration of the coating is the result of the composition of the aluminium alloy from which the anodized parts are produced. In Class 2 the colour of the coating is the result of exposure to a solution of a suitable dye or stain, filling the pores of the coating being formed.
About us
Our experience for your success
UAB "Alanodas" is a joint-stock company working in partnership with an open access Centre for Chemical Conversion Coatings which was established in the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology . The company continues to develop the processes of surface coatings of the aluminium and its alloys, the activity that was launched in the Centre in 2002.
Aluminium anodizing is performed using chemicals of highest quality, all technological processes are designed, carried out, controlled and tested by specialists and scientists of supreme qualification. The staff of UAB "Alanodas" are professionals with a long-standing experience.
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Electroless Nickel Plating (ENP) is the deposit of a nickel-alloy coating by chemical reduction – without the electric current that’s used in electroplating processes.
The majority of ENP for engineering purposes is a nickel phosphorus deposit containing 2 to 14% phosphorus.
ENP offers excellent corrosion resistance to common corrodents such as salt water, carbon dioxide, oxygen and hydrogen sulphide.
Passivation is a widely-used metal finishing process to prevent corrosion. In stainless steel, the passivation process uses nitric acid or citric acid to remove free iron from the surface. The chemical treatment leads to a protective oxide layer that is less likely to chemically react with air and cause corrosion.